Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Story So Far...

Dear Readers,

I have barely finished the first couple pages of my new story, tell me what you think!

"Office Complex F
147 East ST
6:47 AM
A simple gray suit, no more, with a dark blue tie with black diagonal patterns, accompanied by a black business suitcase holding more than work documents. All of this attached to a man, Mike Farlon, who walks through the garage entrance to the first floor.
He nods lightly to the security guard while showing him his ID. Walking on a burnt orange carpet to the elevator, he checks his watch he’s early. The elevators doors open as a night cleaning crew person leaves. Slipping between the doors as the elevator closes, Mike straightens his tie. On the way up through many of the 52 floors, Mike pries open the top hatch and climbs out of the elevator. Unlocking both brackets on his briefcase he takes out two C4 charges and attaches them to both elevator cables. Setting his ring to the right frequency so that the C4 charges will detonate on time, Mike jumps back into the elevator. Mike pulls out a silenced berretta M92 from his briefcase. Clicking both latches on his briefcase back to their upright and locked positions. The elevator stops and Mike walks out. On his right was Mr. Field’s secretary, a round exits the chamber of the M92 before she could utter a word and makes her body slump in a posture, no one could make.
Mike keeps walking as he takes a turn towards Mr. Field’s office. Opening the door violently enough to have it smash against the wall, Mike lifts his gun at the desk in the corner ready for his 6:00 close-up.

Carlos Brelli walks from his room to the kitchen. Putting his dirty dish in the sink he hears a chirping and goes over to his backpack searching for his cell phone. Flipping it open he reads a text “Watz up?” Just who he wanted to talk to, this girl had kept sending him texts all most running his bill over 1000 texts of his normal 200 texts a month plan. Flipping his phone closed he walks back to his room where he slides out a HP Pavilion dv6700t from his messenger. He uploads Halo 2 and goes and clicks on online play. He bends down to plug in the power charging plug from his computer to the power strip. Coming back up to his computer, a reflection off the screen shows a flash as a person in the background running into and out of his house.

“A shot was heard from 173 Main St, requesting back-up. No casualties reported.”
Clicking off her radio, Irina Less puts her foot down on the ignition of her old Crown Victoria. Heading down Main St, a black 72 Sleeper Nova sped past her from the opposite direction Irina was heading. Being a detective for more than over ten years Irina knows when to not believe in coincidences. Irina abruptly pulls on the steering wheel, veering the car to the opposite side of the road. Talking into the radio she requests for more back-up to be sent to 173 Main St. as she sets out to confront the black Nova. Putting on the siren, Irina drives right next to the black Nova, yelling for it to get to the side of the road. As they continue driving, the driver in the other car doesn’t dare pull over he seems to not even notice the blaring siren or the yelling, as he continues to drive.

Dropping the tension in his wrist, Mike continues to walk ahead to see if he spots an intruder. Lying on the main desk marked with a gold name plate reading “Mr. Field” is Mr. Field already dead soaking in his own blood. Mike turns his gun side to side and scans the room looking for any trace of an intrusion. Then staring out the huge class windows, he sees the entire city of Las Angeles and a small hole in the glass. Instinctively he stares at his chest; right above his tie clip is a red dot making its way towards his heart. Diving to the floor, the sniper takes its shot shattering the glass. Mike regaining control of his normal heart rate as he crawls to the door and as he leaves the room he stands up. Below him the fire alarm sounds telling him it’s time to go. Running on pure adrenaline he re-holsters his pistol as he makes a run for the stairs. Mike clips on two metal clamps to the ceiling and then attaches the rope protruding from the clips securely onto his belt. Making a jump he descends down the stairwell. The rope getting stiff leaves him two feet from the ground making sure he doesn’t hit. Un-attaching himself he runs out the basement exit and jumps into his refurbished 72 Sleeper Nova. This car took him a year to rebuild, but it was worth it in his opinion. Gathering parts from places all over town. Buffing and cleaning the car took almost twice as long as assembling. Once in the car he twists the ring on his finger and the ring starts to blink. Revving the engine, he quickly shoots out of the parking garage, as an explosion of glass and concrete liters the air smacking into the ground. Behind Mike chaos is everywhere as the commotion from the crumbling building stops as cars try to avoid all the raining debris. Mike’s vision starts to become foggy and unclear causing him to smash into a ford pick-up. Swearing as Mike backs up and continues on his way, swerves twice more to avoid two other cars. Rapidly speeding up Mike passes a cop car, Mike notices a dot of dark red blood staining his shirt, taking his eyes off the road and glances, at his shoulder and sees that the sniper must have just grazed him with the bullet. Head pounding, Mike continues driving and starts to lose control of his motions. Head spinning, arms shaking, and spasms going through his body he veers left and right. Mike collapses and loses all control of his car as it flies at the highway siding. Flipping over the siding into the cold endless river, Mike is alone with his thoughts.

Irina slams on the brakes as the Nova flips off the road into the river below. Hair billowing from the roaring California wind, Irina runs to look over the side of the iron siding. All she can see is the taillights, growing dimmer and dimmer. Running back to the cruiser, Irina takes the radio and calls for a medical team and for the police to close of this part of the highway. Taking off her badge, vest, gun and gun holster, Irina takes a chance at faith and works her way along the river finding a place to dive in. Pushing off from the ground and being weightless for a second, Irina breaks the surfaces of the cold icy water. The temperature causes Irina to stutter and falter as she remembers tries to remember what she’s doing. Remembering a few swimming classes that she took as a kid, she cups her hands and alternates between strokes as she cuts through the water like a knife. Swimming towards where the car went under, Irina takes a deep breath and submerges farther under water. Opening her eyes she swims her way towards the dimming headlights. Making her way around to the front of the car Irina takes out her back-up from her leg holster and bashes the front windshield open. Irina starts to feel the oxygen rushing from her body and knows if she doesn’t move faster she too will drown. She takes the driver in her hands and swims with the last bit of strength to the surface. Breaking the surface she inhales deeply and catches her breath. Seeing the shore, Irina starts to swim towards it. With the weight of the mystery driver on her back she starts to be held down swimming through the current. Getting pulled, every which way, Irina struggles and then starts to let herself get pulled by the current. Telling herself she was almost there. Above her the medics had arrived plus the police blockade. Divers were being deployed around the river already swimming toward her. Irina, knowing she was safe, stayed put and slowly feel unconscious.

Watching over these characters wasn’t easy. It had taken me many months of travel before I fully understood my full potential. I had been assigned to these people as their Guardian Angel, you could say. My name is Jonathon Power. The power thing got added as soon as I was assigned the job. Being the Vice-President of Gentle Generations a local environmental news reporting channel. I had been interviewing Mr. Power, an environmentalist who had been going nuts over some natural disaster that was going to happen very soon. Well he was right and the sun went out and in only eight minutes we were all human popsicles. Just kidding, what happened was that the moon split apart and headed straight for the earth causing the earth to explode. Happy times right? That’s why I went back in time for the twentieth time to set things right. I’ve been watching over seven people, Carlos, Irina, Mike, Janus, Sean, Gavin and Kaci. These seven people caused the Earth to stop turning, caused the human race to die out, caused me to be sent back in time and caused the sun from ever shedding light on the Earth.
Running along the gurneys which held Mike and Irina, I quietly duck out of view from the nurses and doctors that rush into the room. Irina wakes first and groans as she spits up some water from the river. As she becomes more stable they move her to the next room. Mike on the other hand takes more time and right as he comes to he is unbelievably weak from the loss of blood. His clothes are on a heap by the door. The curtains are pulled around Mike as they set him up with different needles and tubes, coming out of him like a human pincushion. I never majored in Medical School. I only went there because my brother went there. So I had a little training but going to Medical School was important to me. My past had been erased since I got the job and my memory was the only thing that knew what I had become.

Carlos turned from his computer jumping back as a person shot through the front door and into the snow. Running wasn’t one of Carlos’s strong points he took out his Glock 18mm and Berretta M92 Airsoft pistol and pulled back the barrels. Lock and load he said to himself as he walked out the house into the snow. Without a coat and boots, his sneakers got soaked and his arms started to grow numb. To waste less energy he put his Glock into his back pocket. Turning left then right Carlos swung his gun like a pro. His cousin had given it to him since his parents were anti-violence. All summer long he had practiced with it and his cousin had showed him a couple of tricks. As he kept following the man’s footsteps he came to a dead end where it looked as if the man had went right through his house wall. Looking up to see if the intruder had climbed he saw little bits of snow stuck to the brick chimney. Discouraged, Carlos ran back inside and out of his bedroom window which led to the roof. On top of the house he spotted the intruder sitting breathing on his hands. Not knowing what to do now he stayed put, waiting for the intruder to notice him.

Now back in the hospital, I shake the snow off me and check on Irina; she had gotten out of the bed and was now in full blown argument with her superior. Her supervisor wasn’t going to put her back at work after almost drowning he wanted her to take the day off. She of course wanted to interrogate the person she had saved from the river. I left them bickering as I checked on Mike. He looked better, but was asleep with his shoulder bandaged, and the color had returned to his face. As I turned to leave Irina appears in the room and I walk to the corridor, were I’ll be safe from the blast.

Irina takes a quick walk around the hospital bed and starts to pull the curtains closed as she stops by the glass windows. Looking at her shirt she sees a red dot bouncing back and forth then four lines coming together on the dot. Ducking down, she waits to hear the bullet. Yet, no sound comes, standing up she spots a streak of white smoke coming from the office window across the street, the streak zigzags up and around until it heads straight for the glass. Ripping needle after needle from Mike’s body she continues to watch the streak head towards the hospital. Pushing the gurney out of the room, the building trembles as debris crash down behind her and Mike. Mike’s breathing rapidly increases at high intervals as the IV cord hangs loose from his arm. Cries of help call out all around and Irina stops pushing the gurney and calls over a nurse to help Mike. Running downstairs to get a better view of the rocket’s point of origin, she reaches down to her belt and grasps for her gun only to remember she gave her gun in.
Right behind Irina, I quickly dart past debris and peoples bodies, which are twisted into unimaginable forms, as I toward Mike. Untying Mike from the gurney I quickly run down stairs to find Irina.
Irina running down the stairs two at a time finds a window facing the direction towards where the rocket was fired. Tracing the sky and following the smoke trail, it leads directly to the Holiday Inn across the street. In the window of the tenth floor is a discarded camouflaged tripod, with an attached “Light.Anti-air.Weapon” or L.A.W., which is pointed directly toward the hospital.

Carlos Brelli on the roof watches as the man who he had been following disappears to a little pile of snow. Feeling the cold chill, Carlos goes back into his house through his bedroom window. Slowly walking down the stairs to the first floor he wonders what he saw, and who it was. Keeping the Glock and Berretta near him he settles back into his computer chair.

Running down through the hospital I make it to where Irina is and see her using the phone calling in black and whites for the Holiday Inn. Returning back upstairs I reach Mike’s gurney and Mike is gone. The gurney having only an imprint of where Mike lay had no other signs of a person ever being there. As Irina walks in, shock and then concern flashed across her face as she tried to grab her cell phone from her pocket. Since she had left her radio in the car, she started to run towards the stairs as she heard a screech of a car, speeding of to somewhere fast. Leaning against the wall I try to recall where he had gone from past history. He had broken the history of what happens. This was a new chapter in a new book that no one had seen coming, even me from the future.

Running out of the hospital, I stole a glance at my shoulder to realize that it had stopped bleeding. The stitches were holding up nicely and with all the commotion going around I could easily escape. My tech partner, Jonathon McCabe was waiting for me in a Blue Honda Accord outside. His general description would go something like this he is tall, skinny, blond hair, crystal blue eyes and a mind as sharp as tack. Quickly looking through one of the mirrors in one of the many doctors offices, I realized I was still in my hospital gown. A man slumped against the wall, bleeding from his head and obviously unconscious, wasn’t going to be needing his clothes anytime soon. Dragging him to the bathroom was harder than I thought, since the loss of blood I was left pretty weak. Swapping clothes and cleaning up his jacket from a couple blood stains I quickly went down stairs to where the police officers were monitoring the exit. Leaning against the wall I slowly let my head turn the corner, both officer were talking into their radios. Obviously anxious to do something about the two explosions that went off, they didn’t even glance up when I went into the locker room where there on the clean silver table was my gun and wallet. I quickly took both and holstered my soaked gun into the back of my borrowed jeans. I calmly walked out of the building and then broke into a run towards the Honda Accord, as I knew the explosions weren’t over yet.
As I entered the vehicle, I nodded briefly to my partner and notice the L.A.W. we had stolen was not in the back seat. Sitting in Jonathan’s car as I fled the scene, I finally took a deep breath and then exhaled. “Alright, we steal government equipment and we tell them we’ll get it back to them as soon as we are done. How are we going to get them a 10 grand to replace the one you left on top of the apartment?”
“Nice to see you too. And what happened to your clothes, the ones you’re wearing now are a little too small. Also why is there blood all over you?”
“You answer my questions first! Don’t turn this around on me,”
“There was backup called in on a police radio and I would have been caught if I had stayed to collect the weapon and you…my friend would have been caught, no need to thank me or anything. So now you answer my questions.”
Noting the sarcasm in his voice I said the thing he wanted to hear, “Thank you. But seriously now we’re on the run from the government. Let me add them to our top enemies list. Oh and I’m fine by the way, I only drove into a river with my beautiful car and got shot at by a sniper. Also, I ruined my berretta M92. Here you can keep it and mount it on the wall of unusable weapons. Have we got our new case yet from Gavin?”
“No, no communication has been made with Gavin since you left; maybe he’s finally out of cases.”
“I doubt it. Wait! Stop the car…why isn’t the third bomb going off?” I rolled down the window and stared back and then realized that behind there were four or five cop cars heading toward the Holiday Inn. “Didn’t Kaci plant the other bomb?”
“She is going to text me when she’s done.”
“Well she better plant it fast there are about four to five patrol cars heading in her direction.”
Jonathon suddenly slamming his foot on the gas lurches the car forward and groans as we pull a “u” turn. “Where are we going!? Kaci, picked to put the bomb there so let her.”
“I can’t, I won’t let her take a hit just because I was careless of not taking the L.A.W!” Ripping through traffic and going through each red light as if they didn’t even exist. The sounds of police sirens were becoming louder. Turning a corner on only two wheels we were booking it. Taking another turn into the Holiday Parking lot, we spot the police cars and exit the car. Jonathon opens the car door and leaps out onto the pavement running after the officers up ahead. I look in the glove compartment and pull out a stored p288 and slip that into the back of my jeans. I run after Jonathon and see him rushing into the elevator before I get to him. Looking around for the stairwell, I see that the officer, who is waiting next to me to use the elevator, radio reports that there are two assailants. The elevator door opens and instantly the cop blocks me from getting on with him. “There are armed men in this building; I would advise leaving this area.” Sweeping me leg I take him by surprise and trip him out of the elevator out into the hall. I squeeze in right as the two stainless steel doors shut. Punching in the elevator button for floor 10 I wait paitently hoping to god, Jonathan hasn’t done anything stupid."

If you can think of any changes or ways I should take this story, comment. Thank you!


  1. Better story than the whole Twilight Series combined

  2. woowww great job steven ur very talented kiddo :)

  3. is this what u were writing last year during writers workshop? its pretty amazing <(^^,)>

  4. I think Chris Gilman is the hottest man alive and this story makes him as cold as a ice cube not melting on his forehead

  5. this kid has no life...............

  6. Anonymous what are you talking about!!! This kid has more genius in his left nut than you do in your whole body, and btw his left nut is pretty small
